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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Collapse of the Brahminist Empire by Khshatrapa Gandasa

Chapter 1
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

The India Union is, at first sight, the largest democracy in the world. However, a closer and more careful analysis of the facts reveal that it is in reality an elitist Brahminist tyranny, under the vicious totalitarian control of the Brahmins and their collaborators, who put together are historically referred to as Brahminists (from the ancient Sanskrit word `brahmana'). It is indeed a Casteocracy run by the 7% Orthodox Brahminical Castes or `astik Aryan' Upper Caste Hindus (UCHs: Brahmins, Banias, Kayasths), or Brahmanists, who came to hijack the biggest chunk of the former British Indian empire in 1947. Since this time they have been cleverly running the Brahmanist empire under the guise of "world's biggest democracy" for the past 50 years. The rest of the population has been crushed to a sub-human third-world existence while the Brahmins and Brahminists live a life of opulence and luxury. 

The Brahmins (comprising 5% of of the so-called "Hindus") alone control over 70% of the top decision-making posts in the political system, administration, judiciary, army, police, press, media and academics (Statistics on composition from 1935 and 1985 have been published by Indian Journalist and Historian Kushwant Singh). For example, in 1935, during the Anglo-Brahmin Colonial Era, the 5% Brahmin caste group held most of the gazetted positions among Indians in the upper echelons of the administrative machinery. So-called `Independance' did little to change the elitist Brahmin stranglehold over Bharat. In 1985 one finds that out of 3,300 Indian Administrative Officers (IAS), 2,376 are Brahmins; from the rank of deputy secretaries upwards, out of 500, 310 are Brahmins; of the 26 state chief secretaries, 19 are Brahmins; of the 16 Supreme Court judges, 9 are Brahmins; of 438 district magistrates, 250 are Brahmins; and so on in other circles of power and policy in the Indian state. Adding the remaining Brahmanical castes, mainly comprising the Banias and Kayasths, the combined state power of the Brahmanists jumps from 70% to almost 95%. These facts show that Brahmanists control the top positions in India's political system, administrative system, judiciary, press, media, army, etc. - and hence the actions and policies of the Government of India (GOI). Intriguingly, the Brahmanists did not control or rule even ONE single Raj-dhani in any country of South Asia in the few centuries prior to the Anglo-Brahmin Raj in the 19th century. 

Some examples and persistent patterns of fanatic Brahminist GOI policies and actions follow below:
  • Breaking agreements/promises on peaceful use of western atomic technology to develop weapons of mass destruction. In 1973, the Brahminist regime under Pandit Nehru tested the a nuclear device at Pokharan, and in 1999 Pandit Vajpayee finally declared Bharat to be a nuclear weapons state;
  • Refusal to implement UN resolutions for a free plebiscite on Kashmir;
  • Vitriolic and belligerent Indo-Pak, Indo-China, Indo-Srilanka relations as a result of Brahminist Imperialism;
  • Creation of an extremely centralist, interventionist, and hegemonic state after 1947 (contrary to the "loose federation" promised earlier by the Brahminist swindlers);
  • Inability to solve political problems without state violence and genocide;
  • Betrayal of "sacred and solemn" promises to Sikhs and Punjabis which brought territories of East Punjab and Kashmiri into the Brahminist-Occupied Indian Union;
  • State sponsored or even organized mass killings of non-Hindu religious communities under cover of "mob riots" (against Sikhs, Muslims, etc.) instigated and cold-bloodedly planned by Brahminist terrorist organizations such as the RSS, BJP, Bajrang Dal, etc.;
  • Army operation Bluestar/Woodrose in Punjab, attack on 38 Sikh shrines including the Golden Temple in Amritsar leading to killings of 105,000 Sikhs (US State Department estimates for 1984-93, see below);
  • State oppression and genocide and army or police rule in all non-Hindu majority states of Punjab, Kashmiri, Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Mizoland;
  • Dismal record on human rights and perpetual police/army abuses of non-Brahminist Dalits and "backward castes" (80% of Hindus);
  • Permit and License Raj economy designed to divert economic development and wealth to benefit Brahmanist cliques by restricting private investment in non-agrarian sectors to Brahmanists only ("Swadeshi and Permit Raj Economics");
  • After 50 years of ruthless Brahmanist imperial rule and pillaging, India is now hovering near sub-Saharan Africa in terms of per capita income, mass education, public health and hygiene whilst corrupt upper-caste Brahminists like Romesh Sharma, Sukh Ram, Rajiv Gandhi, Harshad Mehta, etc. live a life of opulence and debauchery;
  • A criminalized and corrupted political and administrative system in which criminals and politicians work hand-in-glove; and many more instances.
It is truly amazing that such a brutal, supremacist, corrupt and criminalized Casteocracy has been created under the ruse of the "world's largest secular democracy"! More instances of the incredible repression follow in the later chapters. 

It is worth noting that all these Brahmanical elites are "new elites". This community did not have ruling-class status in any country of South Asia when the British began creating "India" during the 18-19th century. But one wouldn't guess this from the hegemonic and supremacist historical and social propaganda of neo-Brahmanists in which Aryan Hindus, lead by the "learned, wise, and revered Brahmins", who portray themselves as the "rightful rulers" of "their Hindustan" and Hindu flock. 

Ideological Basis of the Casteocracy

Chapter 2
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

In totality, the nature, actions, outlook and policies of the hegemonic and supremacist Brahmin-lead Casteocracy that were to take shape after the transfer of power from the British in 1947 are elucidated upon examining the socio-political ideological underpinnings of neo-Brahmanism. This ideology is, to put it in short, Brahmin Imperialism.

2.1. Neo-Brahmanism

As the British Raj ("India") expanded from its base in the eastern subcontinent (Bengal in the eastern gangetic region) during the 19th century, newly western educated ideologues from the Orthodox Brahmanical Castes (Brahminists) began a new socio-political program to advance their community's own political and imperialistic ambitions. A new supremacist identity and history (neo-Brahmanism) was invented for them by making wild, hegemonic and fraudulent claims over the history, religions and civilizations of historically separate South Asian regions, nations and peoples. Under these historical doctrines, Brahmanist ideologues, politicians and organizations (e.g. Vivekananda, Dayananda, Gowalker; RSS, Arya Samaj, Hindu-Maha-Saba, VHP, etc.) from the eastern gangetic region began imagining ALL of South Asia under British rule as their "10,000 year old ONE HINDU NATION" (Hindustan) in which the 7% Brahmanists, the self-styled "superior Aryans", should be the "rightful ruling and dominating class". Plain facts of history, however, tell us that South Asia is in reality a multinational, multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic and multi-cultural region (like Europe) whose oldest region - the north and northwest - was politically separate from the rest of the subcontinent for over 90% of its known 3500 years history prior to its annexation to British India during the 19th century. Moreover, South Asia was mostly Buddhist for 11-14 centuries prior to the 9th century AD; the northern and western subcontinent were almost never under Brahmanist political-military rule and domination during any known period; indeed, the terms "Hindusthan" and "Hindu" as social and national constructs were introduced into southasia by a 12th century Afghan dynasty of Muhammad Ghori (please see next Section.)
Historical propaganda and supremacist claims designed to float the Brahmanists' ONE HINDU NATION (really a Kannauji Brahmanist empire - "Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan") were further refined and exported to newly annexed regions by Aryan Hindu ideologues, politicians, socio-political organizations, civic associations, schools and political parties during the late 19th and early 20th century (e.g. Arya Samaj founded in 1873, RSS formed in 1925). The pre-independence national politics of Brahmanist dominated political organizations, regardless of party or political affiliation, was rooted in the historical consciousness and hegemonic "One Hindu Nation" ideology and doctrines spawned by hardcore Neo-Brahmanism.

2.2. Subversion of Power

The first empowerment phase of the Brahmanist political program ("Soft Hindutva") was achieved in 1947 with the transfer of power from Great Britain to the Brahmanists controlling the Congress Party. Through their subsequent domination over the state polity, governmental apparatus, education system, state-run mass media and press, Indians have been saturated and brainwashed with neo-Brahmanical dogmas for the past 50 years. After consolidation of power and entrenchment of their "Hinduization" agenda during the first 3 decades of state power, present political developments (e.g. rise of BJP) mark transition to the "Hard Hindutva" spectrum of the Brahmanist program. Increasingly, Brahmanists and their loyal camp are becoming more confident of shedding the "secular democratic" front, which has served them very well so far, to openly proclaim and implement the casteist, chauvinistic and fascist core of Neo-Brahmanism. 

Origin of the Saka Races

Chapter 3
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

3.1 The Sakas

The Scythians inhabiting Central Asia at the time of Herodotus (5th century B.C.) consisted of 4 main branches known as the MassaGatae, Sacae, Alani, and Sarmatians, sharing a common language, ethnicity and culture. Ancient Greek (e.g. Herodotus, Pliny, Plotemy, Arrian) and Persian sources (Darius's historians) from the 5th century place the MassaGatea as the most southerly group in the Central Asian steppe. The earliest Scythians who entered the northern regions of South Asia were from this group. Historians derive "Jat" fom "Gatae", "Ahir" from "Avar", "Saka" from "Scythii", "Gujjar" from "Khazar", "Thakur" from "Tukharian", "Saurashtra" from "Saura Matii" or "Sarmatians", "Sessodia" (a Rajput clan) from "Sassanian", "Madra" from "Medes", "Trigartta" from "Tyri Getae" and "Sulika" from "Seleucids". "Massa" means "grand" or "big" in old Iranian - the language of the Scythians. 

The early Sakas or Scythians are remembered by Greek (e.g. Herodotus, Megatheses, Pliny, Ptolemy) and Persian historians of antiquity as tall, large framed and fierce warriors who were unrivalled on the horse. Herodotus from the 5th century BC writes in an eye-witness account of the Scythians: "they were the most manly and law-abiding of the Thracian tribes. If they could combine under one ruler, they would be the most powerful nation on earth." According to their origin myth recorded by Herodotus, the Sakas arose when three things fell from the sky: the i) plough, ii) sword and iii) cup. The progenitor of the Sakas picked them up and hence the Saka race began its long history of conquering lands, releasing its bounties and enjoying the fruits of their labor (the cup has a ceremonial-spiritual-festive symbolism). The relevance of these symbols and codes of life and culture to the traditional Punjabi and northwest society are tantalizingly obvious. A branch of the Sakas kown as the Alani reached regions of Europe, Asia Minor and the Middle East. They have been connected to the Goths of France/Spain, Saxons and the Juts of Denmark.

3.2 Entry into India

Some of these Saka tribes entered northwest India through the Khyber pass, others through the more southerly Bolan pass which opens into Dera Ismail Khan in Sindh -- an entry point into Gujarat and Rajasthan. From here some invading groups went north (Punjab), others went south (Maharasthra), and others further east (UP, MP). This explains why some Jat, Gujjar and Rajput clans claim descent from Rajasthan (Chauhan, Powar, Rathi, Sial etc.) while others from Afghanistan (e.g. Mann, Her, Bhullar, Gill, Bajwa, Sandhu, etc.). This is supported by the fact that the oldest Rajput geneologies (10th centuries) do not extend into the northwest's Gandharan Buddhist period (400 B.C. - 900 AD). 

Sir Cunningham (former Director General of Indian Archeological survey) writes:
"the different races of the Scythians which succesively appeared as conquerors in the border provinces of Persian and India are the following in the order of arrival: Sakas or Sacae (the Su or Sai of the Chinese - B.C. ?), Kushans (the great Yue-Chi (Yuti) of the Chinese - B.C. 163), Kiddarite or later Kushans (the little Yue-chi of the Chinese - A.D. 450) and Epthalites or White Huns (the Yetha of the Chinese - 470 A.D.). 

Cunningham further notes that 

". . . the successive Scythian invasions of the Sakas, the Kushans, and the White Huns, were followed by permanent settlements of large bodies of their countrymen . . ".
Cunningham and Tod regard the Huns to be the last Scythian wave to have entered India.
Herodotus reveals that the Scythians as far back as the 5th century B.C. had political control over Central Asia and the northern subcontinent up to the river Ganges. Later Indo-Scythic clans and dynasties (e.g. Mauryas, Rajputs) extended their control to other tracts of the northern subcontinent. The largest Saka imperial dynasties of Sakasthan include the Satraps (204 BC to 78 AD), Kushanas (50 AD - 380), Virkas (420 AD - 640) while others like the Mauryas (324 - 232 BC) and Dharan-Guptas (320 AD - 515) expanded their empires towards the east. 

According to Ethnographers and historians like Cunningham, Todd, Ibbetson, Elliot, Ephilstone, Dahiya, Dhillon, Banerjea, etc., the agrarian and artisan communities (e.g. Jats, Gujars, Ahirs, Rajputs, Lohars, Tarkhans etc.) of the entire west are derived from the war-like Scythians who settled north-western and western South Asia in successive waves between 500 B.C. to 500 AD. Down to this day, the very name of the region `Gujarat' is derived from the name `Khazar', whilst `Saurashtra' denotes `Sun-worshipper', a common term for the Scythians. The Gujarat-Rajasthan region continues to be the most Scythic region in the world. 

The oldest Rajputs clans found in southern and western Rajasthan arose much later from earlier Scythic groups; or are of Hun origin (5-6th century AD); and many are no doubt of mixed Scythic-Hun origin. Virtually all are of Scythic descent.

3.3 Sakastan : The Saka States

Uptil the advent of Mohammed Ghori in the 13th century, the west and northwest was politically unified with the subcontinent for only 92 years under the Mauryas since the start of Saptha Sindhva's Vedic period (1500 BC). For most of its independant history it was under the rule of Saka kings. The west was also independant from the rest of India, existing under its Saka dynasties for virtually the entire period of history. The term `Sakastan' which is found on coins, was applied to the Rajasthan-Gujarat core region, and at its greatest extent included Punjab, UP and Haryana as well. 

The largest Saka imperial dynasties of Sakasthana include the Satraps (204 BC to 78 AD), Kushanas (50 AD - 380), Virkas (420 AD - 640) while others like the Mauryas (324 - 232 BC) and Dharan-Guptas (320 AD - 515) expanded their empires towards the east. A brief selected list of Saka rulers of Punjab and the northwest spanning 16 centuries includes Porus (4th century BC), Mauryas (3rd century BC), Rudradaman, Azes, Maues, Soter Megas (2nd century BC), Azilises, Wima Kadphises (1st century AD), Kanishka I, Haviska (2nd century), Vasudeva (3rd century), Vyaghra rata and Yasovardhana.


The Mauryas were themselves perhaps of Scythic origin. D.B. Spooner who evacuated Pataliputra was struck by his findings and writes in his article "The Zoroastrian Period of Indian History" as follows:
"For Chandragupta' s times, the evidences are more numerous and more detailed, and indicate a following of Persian customs all along the line - in public works, in ceremonial, in penal institutions, everything". 

The theory of a Scythic descent of the Mauryas is supported by the following pieces of evidence :
  • Mauryan coins have the symbol of the sun, a branch, a humped bull and mountain (Dehiya, p.155). All these are pre-eminently Scythian MassaGetae icons who were Sun worshippers with the high mount symbolizing earth and the irregular curving lines alongside it symbolizing water. The tree branch is a symbol of productivity of the earth - agriculture and soldiering were the traditional noble occupations of Sakas. The historians of Darius record that when he attempted to attack the Scythian MassaGetae (an old-Iranian culture of Central Asia) along the Black sea in the 5th century BC, "the Saka kings swore by the sun god and refused to surrender earth and water".
  • The clan name of Toramana and Mahirgula, viz Jauvla, is still available among Indian Jats who are now called Jauhl.
  • Jat/Gujar clans and villages named Maur and Dharan exist even today in Punjab, Haryana, Bihar and western MP.
  • The Puranas do not even refer to the largest imperial dynasties of the north such as the Mauryas (324 - 232 BC) and Dharan Guptas (320 AD - 515) as "Kshatriyas". Regarding the Mauryas, Dehiya [p.147] states "Another indication of the foreign origin [ ie. Saka ] of these people is . . . The Vishnu Purana calls them [ Gupta rulers ] Sudras. The Markandeya Purana brands the Mauryas as Asura. The Yuga Purana called them `utterly irreligious, though posing as religious'. The Mudra Rakshasa calls these people as Mlecchas and Chandragupta himself is called 'Kulahina', an upstart of unknown family".
It has also been suggested that this Scythic influence was occasioned by the immigration of Iranic Scyhtians fleeing the Greek conquest. Be that as it may, the fact remains that the main civilizing impetus behind the Mauryan empire was Scythic. 

Dateless revisionist Brahmanist monkey tales with reincarnating imaginary devtas may lie BUT inscriptions/coins texts do not - unless read by crooked and bigoted Brahmin and Bania historians like Majumdar and Bhevelkar turning "Jarta" (Sanskrit for "Jata") into "Guptas" and "Gartas" into "Guha" (cave)! Only unbiased non-Brahminist research can help uncover the true past of the Scythians of India.


Some historians also feel that the Guptas were of Scythic origin. The term "Gupta" in this theory is considered a misnamed version of "Jarta" found in early texts and inscriptions by modern pro-Brahmanist historians (e.g. Majumdar, Belvelkar, Satavalekar). "Jarta" is thus thought to be the Sanskritized form of "Jat" as other Saka tribal names such as "Gujar" become "Gurjara" and "Munda" become "Marunda". Gupta is derived from "Goptri" meaning "military governor" as in the inscription of Skandagupta (Dehiya, p 176). It was not a surname or clan name but a title.
P. L. Gupta writes "The most common gold coins of the Guptas appear to be the direct descendants of the gold coins of the later Kushans . . .". He adds that the standing pose of the Gupta kings at the altar is almost identical to that of the Kushan kings, as is their dress - Kushan long coats and trousers (uchkin, salwar/kameez). The Kushana or Kasvan tribe of the Sakas had ruled over Sakasthan (west and northwest) in the period from 1st century to 4rd century AD. The early Gupta coins are significantly called "dinar" and their weight is the same as those of westerly Kushana coins. Moreover, Alberuni (an Arab who traveled to southasia in A.D. 1030) learnt that "the Guptas were powerful but bad and the locals (in the Gangetic region) celebrated the end of their rule by starting a new era" (Dehiya, p. 190). This again supports the Scythian origin of the Guptas: the end of the Saka empire in the eastern subcontinent was a cause of celebration to the gangetic Brahmins. 

Regarding the Guptas, Dehiya [p.181] states "The coins of SamudraGupta, Chandragupta I, Kacha, Chandragupta II Vikramaditya, Kumaragupta I, Skandagupta, etc. all have the central asian long coat and trousers and boots and long swords. This is the most significant fact proving that the Guptas were in fact central asian Jats (a Saka tribe; derived from Getae) . . . ".
However, the fact that the Guptas were responsible for the rise of Vaishnavism and the revival of Brahmanism goes against their purported Scythic origin. The features described above may be explained in terms of their adoption of certain Saka customs as they conquered Sakastan. In conclusion, most historians consider the Guptas to be neo-Brahminist. With their advent began the slide of India into casteism and the dark ages which immediately preceded the Islamist Liberation.

3.4 Destruction of Saka States

The Saka states and its civlizations were destroyed not by external forces, but by a deadly poison seeping from within. This deadly disease is none other than the Brahminists, who infilitrated the Saka states. By means of the dogma of jati (professional caste) the Brahmins divided and destroyed the unity of the Saka peoples, pitting brother against brother and son against father. The Brahmin inventions of dowry, female infanticide, and sati further debilitated the base of Saka civilization. Under the weight of Brahminist imperialism the glorious civilization of the Scythics was crushed and the Sakas ground into lower caste labourers serving their Aryan Brahminist masters. Finally, the alien Gupta kings from Kannauj destroyed the internally weakened Saka empires during the renewal of Brahmanist fascism. The glorious faith of the Sakas - the Saura religion, was fully destroyed and the crushed remnants absorbed into Brahminism.

3.5 Brahmanisation of Sakas

During the 8-11th century religious transition, with Buddhist institutions and universities gone, the earlier Buddhist and Saka texts and literature of Sakasthan (and other regions of South Asia) went through Brahmanical censorship in which literature on earlier religions, social orders, history and rulers not conducive to their socio-political agenda was either destroyed, altered or interpolated to advance their caste ideology and claims of superiority. For example, the Deva Samhita of Gorakh Sinha from the early medieval period states "They are, like gods, firm of determination and of all the Kshatriyas the Jats are the prime rulers of the earth . . . Their history is extremely wonderful and their antiquity glorious. The Pundits of history did not record their annals lest it should injure and impair their false pride and of the vipras and gods". 

In revisionist post-11th century Brahmanical accounts even the grandest Saka-Buddhist emporer Ashoka Maurya (Maur clan) is maligned, slandered, mocked and all but erased from history as "insignificant king", "mlecha", "shudra" and "not generous to Brahmins". It is amazing and disquieting that most of the 1500 year history of Sakasthana and Buddhism in the subcontinent has been reconstructed from archeology and foreign sources (e.g. Greek, Chinese, Tibetan) rather than Indian materials. The thoroghness with which the Brahminists destroyed Saka civilization is indeed amazing. Whilst Greek and Scythic languages are recorded as spoken languages in various linguistic treatises, these languages were soon destroyed by the Brahmins. Few traces of the Saka civilization survived Brahmanic vandalism. Like the Panchalas, Carvakas and Latas, the Sakas joined the long line of races annihilated by Brahmins. 

Gangetic Brahmanical literature has gone through continual modification, interpolation and revision and was in earlier times were maintained solely in the oral tradition. The oldest Gangetic texts date to the 11th century AD and are written in Devnagari - a new script developed in that century (also the oldest Brahmanical temples and ruins are all post Buddhist, 9th century A.D.). To further this Brahmin monopoly over literature and Sanskrit, the new script was subsequently taught only to the Brahmin's obedient "twice born" orthodox castes. The rest of the population, including the Sakas, were maintained in enforced mental blindness. 

Under the increased professional rigidity and foreign caste prejudices propagated by Brahmanism in the west and north-west in the post-10th century era, Sakas engaged in artisan pursuits (e.g. Tarkhans, Lohars) were edged downward in Brahmanical "caste standing" while other Saka groups lost their tribal and clan identity altogethor to emerge only as occupational jatis. The Sufis and Sikh Gurus of the Punjab (11-17th century) rose to counter and arrest this process of social denigration and caste division and re-unify society along its traditional Saka ideals of brotherhood, equality and spiritual humanism. Interestingly, among the Puranic tirades the Gangetic caste-bigots unfurl against the Saka civilization and people of the West and North-West, one more term used to denounce them (besides "mlechas", "sudra" and "vahikas") is "vratyas" meaning "brotherhood". The concept of a casteless society and democratic republican polity propounded by the Saka tradition in which no segment among them was acknowledged as "superior" and where political leaders were elected (e.g Panchayat, Sarpanch, Sarva Khaap, Thok, etc.) was an abomination to the Aryan priesthood from Gangasthan (Kannauj or Brahmavarta).

3.6 Saka Islamic Sufism

The different religions of the Sakas are :
  • Sufic Islam (Sikhism, Kabirism, Nanakshahism, Dadupanthism, etc.)
  • Solar Cults (Saura)
Buddhism was once popular, but many of these people were forcibly converted to Vaishnavism & Brahmanism during the Brahmanic Dark Ages.
Local development of Punjabi Sufism and Sikhism (12-18th century) are threads of continuity with the region's relatively egalitarian and humanistic Gandharan spiritual and cultural traditions and heritage. Punjabi Sufism centers arose in the post-12th century and attempted to revive the humanistic, unorthodox and egalitarian ideals of its Gandharan civilization (400 BC- 900AD). At the Sufi centers, both the Qoran as well as age-old Buddhist philosophies were taught, discusses and debated. The Sufi masters wrote and preached in the local Punjabi language, opposed Brahmanical orthodoxy, and attempted to rejuvinate the lost soul and light of the country by propagating the egalitarian aspects of Islamic theology. 

Sufism and the Sufi saints (known as Babas) were held in high esteem and had a wide-based secular following among all segments of Punjabi society as their teachings not only reinforced the traditional Saka-Buddhist-Saura spiritual and social values and heritage but in a language and cultural milieu which was Saka to the core. Among the earliest Sufi orders established in Punjab was that of Makhdum Hujwirir (1092 AD) who due to his great generosity became known as Data Ganj Baksh ("God's treasure house") and was venerated by all Punjabis. His mausoleum was rebuilt by Ranjit Singh in marble in Lahore. The Lahore Sirkar and Sikh (Sufic Muslim) and Muslim zamindars gave generously for the upkeep of Sufi shrines and tombs. One of the most prominent Sufi Babas of Punjab from the 13th century was Shaikh Farid Shakarganj of the Chishti order. He lived at Pak Pattan which became one of the main centers of Sufism in the Punjab. Another important center of Sufism was opened at Multan by the Suhrawardhiyas, Bahaudhin Zakarya and Ruknuddin Zakarya in the 13th century. In the 15th century the Qadiriya order established a Sufi centre in Sindh. Mian Mir, the famous divine of Lahore who became a personal friend of the fifth Sikh Guru Arjan and laid the foundation stone of the Harimandir at Amritsar, was from the Qadiriya order. Many of the Sufis Orders in Punjab were persecuted by the bigoted casteist Brahmanist Aryans, and Brahminists who had infiltrated the court of Aurangzeb killed and poisoned many of the Sikh saints. In a most horrible manner did the Brahminist Ram Rao cut off Guru Tegh Bahadur's head in the court of Aurangzeb, and in the most vicous manner did the Brahmins later distort history and falsely implicate the Muslims in this ghastly crime. Contemporary court chronicles clearly bear out the testimony that the Sikh gurus were welcomed by the Mughal Caliphs of Delhi, and prove that the Brahminist infiltrators committed the cowardly deeds of murdering the Sikh gurus. Indeed, so close was Aurangzeb to the Sufis that he himself was known as Kalandar (ascetic). Indeed, this is the crucial point of Brahminist Pseudo-Secular and Hindutva propaganda: the Brahmin murder of Guru Tegh Bahadur is falsely blamed on the Muslims. In fact, the staunch opposition of Tegh Bahadur to Brahmanic casteism, stanch opposition to Brahmanism and the Vedic apartheid system earned him the disfavour of the Brahmins, who hence killed him in Aurangzeb's court. 

Although the earlier 1300 year old Saka-Buddhist Gandharan institutions had collapsed by the 10th century, the traditions and ideals from which they had sprung had been retained by the society and its holy men. When the opportune moment came with the development of Sufi orders and institutions throughout the Punjab two centuries later, these ideals reflowered and the ancient light ("noor") of Gandharan-Saka civilization stored in the region's cultural traditions continued to shine through under the new prism of Sufism. 

In the late 15th century, political rule in the north changed from the Afghan Lodis to the Moguls lead by Babar. The first Sikh Guru, Nanak, was born on April 15, 1469 in a village now known as Nankana Sahib, West Punjab. From early childhood, he was drawn to the company of Sufis who formed the secular and mystical spiritual tradition of the Punjab. In 1499, at the age of 30, he began the first of his four spiritual-voyages to foreign lands in quest for spiritual knowledge. Nanak is perhaps the most widely travelled spiritual founder who ever existed. During his travels, he visited religious centers in Nepal, Ladakh, Mathura, Rajasthan, Benaras, Assam, Maharasthra, Baghdad, Mecca and Medina and distilled what he perceived to be the essense of spirituality, religion and the purpose of life into his own unique path and in a language the common man could understand. Upon his return, he preached in the villages and towns of the Punjab and settled with his family at Kartarpur on the banks of the Ravi. He also periodically visited Shaikh Sharaf, Shaikh Ibrahim (the 10th successor of the famous Farid Shakargunj) and other Sufi saints at Pak Pattan and Multan and the compositions of 16 Sufis and Bhagats, alongside the Bani of the Sikh Gurus, is found in the 1400 pages of the Guru Granth Sahib. Meanwhile, the Sikh Gurus did not see any Gangetic Brahmanical shastra promoting the supremacist chatur-varna caste ideology fit for consumption by their followers. Hence no Brahmanical hymn is included in the Sikh Granth ! Indeed, Brahmanism is strongly repudiated in no uncertain terms by Sikhs gurus. As a historical artifact, many of the Sufi and Bhagat hyms of the Granth Sahib recorded by the Gurus in the 16-17th centuries form the only surviving account of the post-Gandharan Punjabi spiritual renaissance to take root between the 11-15th centuries. Nanak is remembered in the folklore of the Punjab as follows: "Baba Nanak shah-fakir (Baba Nanak, the king of holymen) Hindu dha guru, Musalman dha pir" (Guru of Hindus and Pir of the Mussalmans). It must be noted that it was only the lower caste Hindus who accepted him as a Sufi saint; none of the Aryan Brahminists did so.
The main ingredient of Nanak's whole philosophy of spirituality and meaning of life can be put in the nut shell: "kirt kamao, naam japo, wand shakho" ("earn your living truthfully, reflect and meditate on the creator and share your gains with other"). Like Buddhism, Sikh religious philosophy identifies false ego (houma) and the untamed, wandering and unrelenting mind's "five thiefs of the soul" as the foundation of "evil" and "dukh" (misery) afflicting the personal and collective man. Nanak's path for overcoming and conquering his "mana" (mind), and hence dukh, is through a monotheistic path of "naam-simran" and "seva": reflection, meditation and repetition on "his name" and the act of "service to mankind". He rejected the Brahmanic concept of "sanyas" as the path of finding enlightenment and proscribes his followers ("Sikh" meaning "disciple" - Pali, "Sikkha") to live the life of a "householder", actively engaged in the social and political life of the community while pursing a spiritual life. He rejected casteism, claims of brahmanical superiority, man-made idols/devtas and believed in the equality of the human soul (atma-parmatma) and upheld the oneness of divinity and brotherhood of human-kind. This proves that the roots of Sikhism lie within Islam, and not within Brahmanism. 

In many ways the Sufi and Sikh traditions of Punjab represent a renaissance, continuity and revival of the earlier egalitarian and humanistic spiritual and cultural traditions/heritage of the region's preceding Gandharan Saka-Buddhist civilization (500 BC - 900 AD). Therefore, one should not be surprised upon finding many Sufi and Sikh saints between 12-18th centuries with names like "Buddha Singh", "Gandha Singh", "Buddha Shah", "Buddeh Shah", "Bulle Shah", etc; or that many of the Gurmukhi letters were in use in earlier Gandharan scripts; or that many important historical Gurdwaras ("Guru's house") connected with the Gurus are situated on historical Gandharan Buddhist shrines (e.g. Panja Sahib); or that the institutionalization and very high regard given to socio-religious concepts of "sangat meh pangat" in Sikhi also exists in the Buddhist notion of enlightened society ("sanga"); or that the institution of Guruship found in Sikhism (and Sufism) has its parallel in the Buddhist tradition of "lammas" who were believed to inherit the sacredness, piety and divine inspiration of their predecessor. Nanak never presented himself as a Brahmanic Messenger or Avtar and believed that just as a candle is able to depart light to another without diminishing its own light, similarly a Guru could enlighten the soul and impart divine wisdom to the sangat and his successors and bring them to be his spiritual equals. Moreover, the religio-political institution of the Khalsa established by the last Guru Gobind Singh (with 5 elected "pyaras" and elected Jathedar) in 1699 and the 12 misls (republics) to arise in the middle of the 18th century are based on the traditional Saka republican democratic political system and insitutions (panchayat, sarpanch, sarva khaap, thok, etc.) found throughout the history of Sakasthan and which survive to this day. 

Contrary to current notions popularized by 20th century "one nation" and "two nation" ideologies, Punjabis of all faiths belong to the same tribes and clans and share the same Saka ethnicity, culture, language and history. 

Contemporary Mogul historians who witnessed the 18th century struggle in the Punjab like Nur Mohammed record large scale conversion of Muslim Punjabis, especially of the agrarian and artisan classes, to the Khalsa while many joined as allies. The bulk of Sikhs are hence of Mughalloid (Immigrant Muslim) race, with substantial contributions from "lower caste" Sakas. During the rise of the 12 misls or republics between 1730-1780, Sikh sardars and clans formed alliances with their Muslim counterparts and the court, administration and the army of Ranjit Singh (Lahore Empire) was secular and well represented by Punjabis of all faiths and persuasions including Napoleon's French and Italian generals and administrators (e.g. Allard, Ventura, Avitable). Therefore, the division of Punjabis as separate "nations" based on religious persuasion has little historical basis and is more an artifact of foreign Brahmin 20th century "One/Two Nation" dogmas, identity creation and propaganda devised, spun and imported into the region by neo-Brahmanist organizations - nursing their own ambitions of empire centered on Aryavarta or Gangasthan. The most obvious fact and reality is that the subcontinent is in reality a multi-ethnic/linguistic/cultural/national region (like Europe or the Middle-East). 

Punjabi Sufism and Sikhism which developed in the North West between 12-17th centuries are rooted in the humanistic and egalitarian spiritual traditions and culture of Sakasthan and its preceding Gandharan civilization (400 BC- 900 AD). Sikhism produced its own separate holy book (including the hymns of 16 Sufis and "low caste" bhagats, e.g. Baba Farid, Kabir) and places of worship and rejects Brahmanical claims of supremacy, Gangetic chatur-varna caste ideology, priests, shastras and gods. Like Buddhism and other non-Brahmanical faiths, it has been seen as a latent threat to their hegemonic and imperialistic ambitions by Brahmanist idealogues, organizations and politicians and had to be crushed as an independent religious philosophy with its distorted remnants absorbed into the Brahmanical Hindu fold. As a result, the Brahmanists have sought to exterminate Sikhism right from its inception. Many of the Sikh gurus were murdered and poisoned by Brahmins, and the Brahman Indira Gandhi launched the mass extermination of Sikhs in Operation Bluestar which led to the destruction of parts of the Golden Temple at Amritsar. The Brahmins Indira Gandhi and her Brahmin son Rajiv Gandhi were responsible for the genocide of 200,000 Sikhs (detailed estimate below). Worse still, the Brahmins succeeded in dividing the Sufist Sikhs from their Islamic Mughal blood-brothers. This was to have far-reaching consequences.

3.7 Survivals of Sakas

Based on coins, inscriptions, archeology and early Indian/Buddhist/Chinese/Greek/Persian manuscripts dating back to 500 BC, historians and ethnographers since the 19th century (e.g. Cunningham, Tod, Rapson, Ibbetson, Elliot, Ephilstone, Dahiya, Dhillon, Banerjea, Sharma, Sinha, Puniya etc.) have shown that the traditional agrarian and artisan communities of the entire northwest (e.g. Jats, Gujars, Tarkhans, Khatris, Ghakkars, Rajputs, Awans, Khambos, Lohars, Yadavs, Ahirs, Meos, etc. including various BC groups) are descended from Scythian (or Saka) tribes of central Asia (an aggressive and expansionist old Iranian speaking culture) who settled western and north-western South Asia in successive waves between 5th century B.C. and 1st century AD. The capital-lion Saka inscriptions at Peshawar and Mathura state "Sarvasa Sakasthanasa puyae" (for the merit of the people of Sakasthana). Inscriptions and coins mentioning `Sakastan' are found all over the Saka core region of Rajasthan-Gujarat and surrounding tracts. 

Ethnological information collected in colonial censuses shows that the majority (+65%) of the population of the west ("Sakasthan" including Rajasthan, Gujarat, northern Maharashtra, Punjab and western UP) is of Saka origin. Terms like "Sakasthana" and "Saka" appear on ancient Saka inscriptions and coins found as far as Mathura, Ujjain and Vidharba in western UP (former United Provinces), western MP (Malwa) and Maharashtra, respectively. Other major Saka cities and centers include Jodhpur, Jaipur, Sialkot, Jalandar, Taxila, Moga, Ropar, Patiala, Batinda, Peshawar, Kabul. Peshawar and Mathura were the twin capital of the Kushana Sakas. 

The Sakas have left their deep imprint on the ethnic composition, ethos, cultural heritage, political institutions, social customs, dress, kinship patterns, folk dances and cuisine of the Punjab and other provinces of Sakasthan. These include : democratic-republican political systems and institutions, elected panchayat, sarpanch, thok, khaap, sarva khaap; kurta-pajama, uchkin, turban, salwar-kameez, ghagra; bhangra, giddha, dhol, tumbi, thadi-jathas; diet based on wheat, meat, onions, sour-milk (lassi), liqor; an ethos and tradition showing a high affinity for self-sacrifice and heroism, a strong sense of self-honor (ankh) and independence, strong work-ethic; a secular, unorthodox, mystical and humanistic outlook towards religion and spirituality, etc. 

Interestingly, in the orthodox Brahmanical culture of the eastern subcontinent, the use of onions, meat and liqor was taboo and the diet based on rice. Moreover, traditional Brahmanical dress consisting of the sari and dhoti are visibly different in appearance and style from the traditional uchkin, turban, kurta pajamas, jodhpurs, salwar kammeez and ghagra worn by the Mughal-Saka populations in the north and west. 

If the Sakas or Scythians did not conquer and settle the west and northwest, how does one explain the capital-lion Saka inscriptions at Peshawar and Mathura state "Sarvasa Sakasthanasa puyae" (for the merit of the people of Sakasthana) ? 

Saka ruins litter the whole landscape from Peshawar to Ujjain, Multan to Mathura including places like Moga, Ropar, Jodhpur, Sialkot, Jalandar, Taxila and have been archeologically studied by colonial historians and archeologists.

Saka Descent of Rajputs

The earliest Rajput genealogies of the northwest date only to the 9-10th century AD (post-Buddhist period) and arise from Saka (e.g. Jats/Gujars) and Hun (5-6th century invaders) clans who formally accepted Shankarcharya's revived Brahmanism (9th century) after the demise of Buddhism. Cunningham and Tod consider the Hunas to be the "last Scythian wave". Conditions of formal conversion: i) use only Brahmin as priest, ii) ban on widow remarriage and iii) burning of widows (sati). Converted clans/villages who relapsed on these conditions, rejoined "Jathood" or "Gujarhood". Despite popular conceptions of caste rigidity and permanence promoted in modern historical education, a high level of social and occupational mobility existed in Sakasthan even in post Buddhist times as attested by the Director General of the 1881 Indian Census, Sir Ibbetson [p. 8] : "The Sahnsars of Hushyarpur were admittedly Rajput till only a few generations ago, when they took to growing vegetables and now rank with the Arains. Some of the Tarkhans, Lohars and Nais of Sirsa are known to have been Jats or Rajputs who within quite recent times have taken to the hereditary occupations of these castes; and some of the Chauhans of Karnal whose fathers were born Rajputs, have taken to weaving and become Shekhs. . . . The process is going on around us, and it is certain that what is now taking place is only what has always taken place during the long ages". 

Political control over the western and northwestern subcontinent post 500 BC (Gandharan period) was primarily in the hands of Sakas (Scythians) and their descendents who mainly patronized Buddhism and Solar cults prior to 9th century AD. Based on analysis of coins, inscriptions, archeological finds and early Indian/Buddhist/Chinese/Greek/Persian manuscripts dating back to 500 BC, historians and ethnographers (e.g. Cunningham, Tod, Rapson, Ibbetson, Elliot, Ephilstone, Dahiya, Dhillon, Banerjea, Sharma, Sinha, Shrava, Puniya etc.) have shown that the traditional agrarian and artisan communities (e.g. Jats/Gujars/Tarkhans/Khatris/Rajputs/Lohars/Yadavs etc.) of the entire northwest are the descendants of Scythian tribes from central Asia. 

While the plains facts of history clearly contradict the supremacist and hegemonic claims Poorbia Brahmanists began making on southasia during the 19th century, this historical quackery and the elitist neo-Brahmanist identity (the "superior Aryans") and chauvinistic socio-political doctrines derived from it have been the founding ideology and the "historical consciousness" of the new Indian Brahmanist Order. 

The Sakas of the northwest did not accept the supremacy of the Brahmins, did not practise the chaturvarna caste system advocated by their "law givers" like Manu, had their own Saka priests (Magas), and mainly patronized Buddhism mixed with their own religion (sun-worship) prior to 9th century AD. Their ill-disposition to Brahmanism earned them an unending hostility of the frustrated Gangetic priesthood. The post-Buddhist transmission of Brahmanism into Sakasthan required adaption to fit it into the Saka social and political order prevailing in the northwest where Sakas continued to wield political power, run their villages and own the land. The Brahmin livelihood depended on the goodwill and generosity of their Saka employers and patrons. In the Saka social order, zamindari, cultivation, artisanship and soldiering were considered the "noblest" and "highest" professions and way of life. These social ideals and cultural heritage are diametric opposites of eastern Brahmanical social dogma in which those who worked the land and worked for their living were designated "polluted" and "sudras" while those following non-Brahmanical religions were "mlechas" (barbarians). In return, the Sakas considered the Gangetic priests to be little more than soothsayers and palm-readers who begged for their food. With the rise of Sufism by the 11th century, the bulk of the population in Punjab had formally moved away from Brahmanism and the remaining employed Brahmins for ritual and ceremonial purposes while also patronizing Sufis, Fakirs, Yogis and Naths who followed the local secular and unorthodox spiritual traditions.
These two different social, cultural and religious systems and orders represent nothing less than a "Clash of Civilizations": to the southeast of the western ganga river lay the Aryan "Brahmanical culture" while to the west of this frontier lay the "Saka civilization". Subsequently, the extreme North was Islamicised to form a `Mughalstan'. There thus exist the following four broad `nations' in South Asia: Sakasthan in the west centered on Rajasthan and Gujarat, Islamic Mughalstan stretching from Kashmir to Bangladesh, Sudrastan comprising Dalitstan-Dravidistan reaching from Jharkhand to Tamil Nadu, and Hindu Rashtra comprising Maharashtra, Kannauj, Utkal and West Bengal. Moreover, since the advent of the Vedic period in the northwest (1500 - 500 BC) and during its succeeding Saka period (500 BC - 1200 AD), the Sakasthan country was politically separate from the subcontinent over 97% of its 2500 years known history - even this "3% togethorness" of 92 years occurred under the eastward expanding Saka empire of the Mauryas. The Sakasthan core region of Rajasthan-Gujarat was almost never under the occupation of Brahminists in the pre-Gupta age. To the Brahmins, the west and northwest Rajasthan-Gujarat Saka country has always been historically a "foreign land of Barbarians" ("Vahika-desa" populated by "vahikas", "vratyas", "mlechas" and "sudras") as written in their own holy shastras. The Mahabharta, Puranas and Brahmin Law Givers repeatedly "forbid Brahmins" from traveling to these foreign lands where, in turn, their alien religion, priesthood, gods and caste creed was spurned and rejected by the Saka people population. For example, the Mahabharta, verses 2063-2068, Karna Parva, states "one should not go to Vahika-desa in which the five rivers and the Indus . . . where the mlechas live . . ". 

As discussed above, the northwest country ("Saptha-Sindhva" in Rig Veda) was politically independent from rest of southasia over 97% of its history from the start of its Vedic period to the Afghan conquest (500 BC - 1200 AD), as was the Sakasthan region surrounding Rajasthan. Between 500 BC-1200 AD, it was under the political rule of Saka tribes and dynasties who form 65% of the present western population based on ethnological information collected in colonial censuses. Saka priests were known as "Magas" (Sun priests who prayed to the sun for bountiful harvests) who, along with Buddhist masters of Sakasthan, found themselves out of work when Buddhism and its institutions declined during 8-10th century. Many of them eventually became recruited into the "Brahmin" fold (e.g. Saraswat, Dakaut divisions) while Gangetic emigrants form the "Gaur" division of Brahmins. These Saka converts to Brahmanism did not intermarry with Brahmins from other regions and divisions, ate meat and were occupationally lax. Although they were indoctrinated into the Gangetic caste ideology, they have always been regarded as a "lower grade" by the easterly orthodox Brahmins. Brahmins as a whole in South Asia are ethnically, culturally and racially a diverse heterogenous group geographically distributed up to Indonesia, Burma and Thailand, while the Saka population is confined to the western regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat ("Khazar-land"), whilst Mughals (Foreign Muslims) dominate the north-west.
The fact is that there have always been two types of ruling classes (Kshatriyas) in South Asia: i) those who patronized the Brahmin priesthood and ii) those who felt no need or desire to do so and patronized other religions (e.g. Saka religion, Buddhism, Islam, Sufism, Sikhism, Christianity). In dateless and placeless revisionist Brahmanical texts (written centuries later when Brahmins gained larger influence; eg. post-9th century Shankarcharya revival), the latter are dubbed "mlecchas", "sudra", and "low castes kings", etc. while the former are glorified with fantastical tales and showered with the blessings of their devtas. The second type form most of the known and verifiable Kshatriyas and ruling orders in the history of South Asia - all in the case of the west and northwest!

Brahminist Historical Propaganda

Chapter 4
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

4.1 Fraud #1 : South Asia A One Hindu Nation (Hindutva)

The premier theme of neo-Brahmanist historical propaganda since the late 19th century is that all Indians have been their "Hindu flock" for over 10,000 years and that South Asia under British rule has always been firmly under the control of Brahmanists prior to the arrival of "foreign Muslim barbarians". Under Brahmin leadership and domination, their supposedly great and glorious Hindusthan purportedly achieved the highest pinnacles of civilization, sciences, religion and arts. As shown below, these claims are entirely baseless. Indeed, closer analysis shows the Brahmins to have been the main destroyers of civilization in India ! 

Neo-Brahmanist social and racial dogma asserts that Brahmins and their loyal twice born tag-along Banias, who collectively form 10% of Hindus (as per the Mandal Commission, all upper caste Hindus form 17.3 % of India's population), are the superior "Vedic Aryans" and Kshatriyas who deserve to be the lords and ruling class of their Hindu flock and empire while the rest, including minorities, (93% of India's population) should submit to their Caste Order and serve them as loyal obedient chownkidars and sudras (soldiers and labor). The old chatur-varna system (four caste social ideology) of the gangetic Brahmins blessed by their god Brahma in the Puranic "creation myth" was updated under neo-Brahmanism along 19th century lines of socio-racial Darwinianism.

Reality and Facts

(1) No Political Unity Before Muslims
South Asia has historically been a multi-national/cultural/ethnic/ linguistic region, like Europe or the Middle-East. There has never been a ONE NATION or country in South Asia. A few short regional empires arose, crumbling under their own weight within a few decades (e.g. Mauryan Empire, lasted 92 years). Only the Mughal Caliphate of Delhi established a 1000-year Empire in North India (1000 AD - 1857 AD). 

As a historical or political entity, Winston Churchill likened India to an imaginary line like the equator: "India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator." 

The bigoted fantasy of South Asia as a "One Hindu Nation" under Brahmanist rule actually never existed. For example, the northwest region of South Asia - Punjab - was politically unified to the rest of subcontinent for less than 10% of its known 3300 years history (that too under Buddhist and Muslim regimes) prior to its annexation in 1847 to the Anglo-Brahmin colonial state. Sakasthan (the Rajasthan-Gujarat region) was also independant for more than 90 % of the pre-Islamic era.

(2) Muslim Origin of Hindutva 
The term "Hindusthan" was first used by the 12th century AD Afghan dynasty of Muhammad Ghori who dubbed his new subjects "Hindus". Prior to this era, no one in any region of South Asia had ever used these terms to define themselves. There is no mention of either of these terms or concepts in "ancient" Brahmanical texts ( the oldest of which do not predate the 11th century ). The oldest "Brahmanical" temples and ruins are all archeologically post Buddhist - after 9th century AD. 

Ironically, two of the three core concepts of the fanatic Brahmanist imperialistic program of "Hindi, Hindu and Hindusthan" are borrowed from post-12th century Muslim (Afghan and Mogul) regimes and were never used in South Asia before then - they are not found in any pre-12th century Brahmin or Buddhist text ! Under the historical myths and frauds of late-19/20th century ideologues and organizations from Kannauj or Gangasthan (e.g. Vivekananda, Dayananda, Gowalker; Arya Samaj, VHP, RSS, Hindumahasaba), these terms were grafted into a new hallucination of an "ancient Hindu" identity, history and nationalism. Through these concepts Brahmanist idealogues, politicians and organizations launched their hegemonic program during the Anglo-Brahminist Raj to become the "superior" (Aryan) ruling class of their Hindu flock and eternal rulers of the never existent "10,000 year old Hindusthan". 

The facts of objective history show that these terms and concepts have no "historical depth" in any social, religious, ethnic or national sense past prior to the 12th century when Mohammed Ghori for the first time named his conquered domains in northern South Asia "Hinduthan" and his subjects "Hindus". What did Ghoris' Hindus call themselves prior to the 12th century? Did they not just refer to themselves as `Arya' ? 

History has shown that there were two categories of Indians - those who followed the 6 schools of the religion of Brahmanism, and the followers of Sramanism or `nastika' (heretic) religions (Buddhism, Shaivism, Jainism, Saurism etc.). The Brahmanists have been the destroyers of ancient Indian civilization, with all major monuments and achievements of the Sramanists having being obliterated by Brahmanism. The glories of the ancient Saka, Buddhist, Jain, Dravidian and Kolarian civilizations have been all wiped out by the Brahmins and their followers crushed to the status of lower castes. It is for this reason that the invading Mughal-Muslims found so much desolation and destruction when they arrived. Indeed, Bengali manuscripts welcome them as `heroes' and `liberators' from Brahmin tyranny ! 

(3) English Invention of Hindutva 
The English invented Hinduism as a cover term to incorporate Sramanic (anti-Vedic) religions and Brahmanism. This was done in order to reward the faithful services of the Brahmins. Prior to the 1830s the term `Hindu' was never used in a religious sense. The word `Hindu' is not even found in any Brahmanic text prior to the 10th century ! 

(4) Independance of Saka Nations 
As discussed above, the northwest country ("Saptha-Sindhva" in Rig Veda) and the western country ("Sakasthan") was politically independent from rest of southasia over 97% of its history from the start of its Vedic period to the Afghan conquest (500 BC - 1200 AD). Between 500 BC-1200 AD, Sakasthan was under the political rule of Saka tribes and dynasties who form 65% of the present northwest population based on ethnological information collected in colonial censuses. Saka priests were known as "Magas" (Sun priests who prayed to the sun for bountiful harvests).

The 19th century neo-Brahmanist historical themes and propaganda were designed for the purpose of inventing a new proud elitist identity and history for Orthodox Caste Hindus (Brahmins/Banias - 7%) and for furthering their political and imperialistic ambitions in a ONE HINDU NATION - to be naturally ruled and dominated by the "superior Aryan" Brahmanists. However, the dateless and placeless fantasies and myths of neo-Brahmanism constructed to promote these contentions do injustice to the most basic known and verifiable facts of South Asian history as shown below :
While plains and verifiable facts of history clearly contradict the supremacist, hegemonic and quack claims Brahmanist idealogues and organizations began making over historically separate and independent nations of South Asia during the late 19th century, Brahmanist historical fraud and the elitist neo-Brahmanist identity (the "superior Vedic Aryans") and socio-political doctrines derived from it are the founding ideology and "historical consciousness" of the new post-1947 Brahmanist Order in India 

To the Brahmins, the northwest Vedic country has always been historically a "foreign land of Barbarians" ("Vahika-desa" populated by "vahikas", "vratyas", "mlechas" and "sudras") as written in their own holy shastras. The Mahabharta, Puranas and Brahmin Law Givers repeatedly "forbid Brahmins" from traveling to these foreign lands where, in turn, their alien religion, priesthood, gods and caste creed was spurned and rejected by the Vedic-Saka people population. For example, the Mahabharta, verses 2063-2068, Karna Parva, states "one should not go to Vahika-desa in which the five rivers and the Indus . . . where the mlechas live . . ".

4.2 Fraud #2 : Myth of Aryan Invasion

Another myth propagated by the Brahmins is that there was no Aryan invasion of India ! Needless to say, most of these books are the products of Brahmins themselves and their theories the wildest hallucinations. Clearly contradicting the `Out of Africa' theory of the origin of human beings, and in flagrant denial of the Sudra Holocaust of Indian Negroes, this theory is perhaps the wildest of all Brahman fantasies. Basically the `Out of India' Aryocentric theory is based on the Puranas, wherein it is stated that the Aryans originated at Kannaj (in Aryavarta) in the middle of a flat Earth. From here it entered Golwalkar's book `We, Our Nationhood Defined' wherein he states that the North Pole was in Bihar, and that the Aryans hence originated in the North Pole in accordance with the Brahmin Tilak's theory of the North Pole homeland for Aryans. True madness indeed !

4.3 Fraud #3 - Hindi is Hindoo Language

Another key claim of Brahman historians is that Hindi is the official language of Hindoos and that it is the lanugage of all Hindus. The fact is that all pre-Islamic languages of India were referred to as Prakrits, and none of these Prakrits is called Hindi. Hindi was fraudulently used as a cover term to encompass the historically distinct languages of Braj Bhasa (which the Brahminists named as `Western Hindi') and Magadhi (which the Brahminists named as `Eastern Hindi'). In addition, the independant languages of Rajasthani and Bhojpuri were falsely dubbed as `dialects of Hindi'. No Prakrit grammarian refers to these as one language. Braj Bhasa or Western Hindi is a derivative of Sauraseni Prakrit, whilst the modern Magahi is a derivative of the ancient Magadhan Prakrit of Ashoka. However, such facts do not deter Brahminist historians from making wild and hallucinatory claims !

Reality and Facts

(1) Khari Boli Hindi Arose From Urdu 
Hindi - the Brahmanist's Lingua Franca - was extracted from Sanskritized Urdu during the mid-19th century. Urdu developed as a 10th century Ghaznavid language from modifications and mixtures of the local dialects spoken in the Ghazni region with Persian and Arabic. Thereafter arose Mughali, the vernacular of the Indian Muslims. Khari Boli was merely a dialect of Braj Bhasa, which was spoken by a few villagers of Braj. This dialect became the standard of the Brahmins. One may ask, why did they not choose Braj itself ? The answer is that they wished to destroy Braj itself by submerging it into Khari Boli ! 

There is no mention of either of these terms `Hindu' or `Hindi' in "ancient" Brahmanical books (oldest of which do not predate the 11th century; also the oldest "Brahmanical" temples are all post Buddhist, after 8-9th century A.D.). 

(2) Ghaznavid Origin of Urdu 

Urdu has in fact been traced back to the Ghaznavid court in Afghanistan. Hence there is no question of it being a "degraded form of Sanskrit", as claimed by Brahminists.

4.4 Fraud #4 - Sakas are Hindus

Brahmanist historians and "history" has attempted to erase, marginalize and distort the 1700 year history of Sakas, their country "Sakasthana" and long sway of Saurism Buddhism (400BC-900AD). The Buddha who rejected Brahmanical idols, shastras, claims of superiority and religion altogethor is portrayed in later revisionist shastras as an "avtar of Vishnu" - 15 centuries after his death !
Brahmanist history and canards attempt to i) erase the history of Sakas and Sakasthan altogethor, as mentioned above, ii) replace the real history of Rajput origins (post-10th century casteized Sakas) with fanciful lunar/solar Brahmanical tales and iii) manipulate and pit Rajput Sakas against uncasteized Sakas like Jats and Gujars who did not accepted Brahmanical supremacy/orthodoxy and held on to their ancient Vedic-Saka social customs, cultural roots and political institutions ( widow remarraige, elected Panchayat, Sarpanch, Khaap, Thok, and Sarva Khaap). Once again, the Brahmin maxim of `Divide and Rule' which was invented by the Brahmin Kautilya ! There is a systematic and bigoted attempt to denigrate non-casteized Sakas (e.g. Jats, Gujars, Ahirs, Yadavs, Tarkhans, Lohars, etc.) as "Sudras" (lower caste Negroes) and "Mlecchas" in revisionist shastras and in modern Brahmanist history and social engineering (through Brahmanist produced Hindi films, state-run television, press, education system, etc.). 4) Moreover, the mischevious Brahmanist propaganda against Jats has never been able to account for the facts that i) vast majority of Jat/Rajput tracts, lands and villages in the northwest are non-intersecting (northern Rajasthan, Mathura, Agra, Haryana, Punjab regions under Jat-Saka control; central/south Rajasthan, western MP and hill regions under Rajput-Saka control) and ii) Jats and other Sakas in the vast and fertile Punjab plains never lived under Rajput upstarts (95% of whom are a 11-16th century phenomina) as attested directly by the 11th century historian of Mahmud Ghazni. He clearly states in the Tarikh-i-Ferishta (Ferishta, English Translation by Briggs) that the Afghan war in Punjab was "against the Jats" and goes on to describe the engagements, which involved naval warfare, that resulted in the defeat of Jat forces under Raja JaiPala near Attock in 1027. If Rajputs were ruling the Jats in the Punjab prior to 1027 AD - as perpetually asserted in modern Brahmanist history texts - shouldn't the former have been on the madan-e-jung with the Afghan army to defend their rule and land and thus enter the accounts of the Afghan emporer's personal historian as the rulers of Punjab? 

Under the increased professional rigidity and foreign caste prejudices propagated by Brahmanism in the west and northwest in the post-10th century era, Sakas engaged in artisan pursuits (e.g. Tarkhans, Lohars) were edged downward in Brahmanical "caste standing" while other Saka groups lost their tribal and clan identity altogethor to emerge only as occupational jatis. The Sufies and Sikh Gurus of the Punjab (11-17th century) rose to counter and arrest this process of social denigration and caste division and re-unify society along its traditional Saka-Vedic ideals of brotherhood, equality and spiritual humanism. Interestingly, among the Puranic tirades the gangetic caste-bigots unfurl against the Saka-Vedic civilization and people of the northwest, one more term used to denounce them (besides "mlechas", "sudra" and "vahikas") is "vratyas" meaning "brotherhood". The concept of a casteless society and democratic republican polity propounded by the Saka-Vedic tradition in which no segment among them was acknowledged as "superior" and where political leaders were elected (e.g Panchayat, Sarpanch, Sarva Khaap, Thok, etc.) was an abomination to the dasya priesthood from Gangasthan. Destroying real history and replacing it with revisionist bigoted fantasy and canards, frequently involving imaginary reincarnating devtas, is a highly perfected but transparent Brahmanical skill !

4.5 Fraud #5 - Peaceful Conversion of Anti-Vedists to Vaishnavism (Brahmanism and Vedism

Foreign travelers from China and Tibet (e.g. Huen Tsang, Sharmasvamin) of the time and Brahmanical texts themselves contradict the peaceful conversion theory of Buddhist India to Brahmanical India Thus the "Sankara-digvijayam" text of the 14th century records that Suddhanvan "issued orders to put to death all the Buddhists from Ramesvaram to the Himalayas"). Indeed, the extirpation of Buddhism in South Asia occurred through a Brahmanical policy of systematic genocide and terror. After the Brahmanists gained religious influence over South Asian ruling groups between 8-11th century, the majority Buddhist masses were terrorized, pillaged and raped into giving up the Buddha and Buddhism by organized gangs and their temples, universities, institutions and property seized. They were then ground into "Shudra" and "untouchables" castes after being politically, religiously and economically disempowered. This process has been amply depicted by Ambedkar, who showed that ancient Indian history is essentially one of Brahmin destruction of Buddhist, Shaiva and Jaina civilization.
Even the most revered Buddhist monument (Buddh-Gaya) where Lord Buddha departed for Nirvana is a disputed Buddhist-Brahmin site and the Casteocracy's Supreme Court has failed to issue its verdict after over 50 years! 

Brahmanist propaganda contends that their despised "lower caste" shudras and Dalits ("inferior lower castes" - 80% of "Hindus") gave up egalitarian Buddhism for the chains of Brahmanism (Hinduism) voluntarily during 8-10th century AD to live under a new Brahmanical Hindu order and law system granting them nil legal, human, social, religious rights and dignity and considered them "too polluted" to be allowed into Brahmin temples and read Brahmanical scriptures. This is flagrantly against common sense !

4.6 Fraud #6 : Sanskrit is Oldest Indo-European Language

Another fraud perpetrated by the Brahmins is the claim that Sanskrit is the oldest language. Facts show otherwise -

Reality and Facts

(1) Sanskrit Arose After 500 BC 
Sanskrit itself developed from the Vedic languages spoken in Saptha Sindhva (Indus-Yamuna region, 1500-500 BC ). Nowhere is the word `Sanskrit' mentioned in Vedic scriptures. Even the grammarian Pannini mantions only `Chandassa' and not `Sanskrit'. The term `Sanskrit' first occurs in an AD Ramayana ! 

(2) Sanskrit is 30 % Dravidian 

The gangetic Brahmins neither created this language nor had sole use of it in the pre-11th century period. With the southward expansion of the Vedic language from the northwest, it also absorbed foreign influences as linguistic analysis reveals that over 30% of the Sanskrit vocabulary is traceable to Dravidian languages. Please see the `Anti-Sanskrit Scripture' by Shyama Rao for more information.

4.7 Fraud #7 : Division of Muslims and Sufists

Since their creation in the late 19th and early 20th century, Kannaujia Brahmanist organizations (e.g. Arya Samaj, RSS) have been actively involved in spreading anti-Punjab and anti-Sikh propaganda to polarize, fragment, subvert and communalize Punjabi society and to create a sense of inferiority among Punjabis by erasing, distorting, marginalizing and degrading Punjabi history, culture and language. While the Brahmins themselves were often the murderers of the Sufic Sikh saints, they later on distorted history to falsely claim. that the Muslims killed them. In addition, the Sikhs are falsely classed as `Hindu' in order to submerge their civilization, just as that of the Buddhists, Jains and Shaivas !

Reality and Facts

Aurangzeb did not Kill Gobind Singh 
Recent research has completely negated the false Brahmin claims that Gobind Singh was killed by Muslims. He was killed by his own brother, the Brahminist Ram Rao. This has been amply demonstrated by the Bengali J.N.Bhattacharya - 

" Teg Bahadoor lived at Bukala, and, attracting numerous followers, became a greater Guru than most of his predecessors. The members of his own family were, however, not friendly to him, and, through the advice of one of his followers, he removed to Delhi with the view of perhaps settling there permanently, and acquiring the vantage ground which residence in a metropolis never fails to give to a religious teacher. But, unfortunately for him, his grand-nephew Ram Rao was still at the Imperial Court, and tried to injure him by poisoning the mind of the Emperor against him. The Emperor saw through the artifice, and allowed him at first to depart in peace. After leaving Delhi he travelled towards the east. .. [ After some years he returned to Delhi ]. But no sooner had Ram Rao heard of his arrival than he began to intrigue for his ruin again. The Emperor was led to summon him for answering the charges that were brought against him. Teg Bahadur was alarmed, and he again left Delhi, settling himself ultimately at a place called Mukhwal in the teritories of the Raja of Kuchloor. When Ram Rao came to know his whereabouts, he managed to get him summoned again before the Imperial court ... On his arrival in Delhi, he was thrown into prison. Some days afterwards he was sent for to the Emperor's presence. Aurangzeb had apparently no intention to injure him. But, out of a kind of weakness which was very unusual in him, he allowed Ram Rao to have his own way in the (p.399) matter. Ram Rao demanded an explanation from his grand-uncle in the presence of the Emperor. The Guru was not, it seems, actually ordered to be executed. When Ram Rao persisted in calling upon him to state what he had to say by way of defence, he wrapped a piece of paper round his neck, and challenged his adversary to cut the same with a sword. This gave Ram Rao the opportunity he wanted. The executioner upon being ordered to deal the blow cut off the head of the Guru, without being able to cut the paper. When taken up and read, it was found to contain a few words in Hindi signifying `I give my head but not my secret.' Aurangzeb is generally blamed by historians for this act of cold-blooded murder. But considering the manner in which the Emperor was led to countenance the act it seems that it must have been more due to the malice of Ram Rao than to religious bigotry on the part of the Emperor." 

-- `Hindu Castes and Sects',
J.N.Bhattacharya, 1st ed. 1896, p.398-9 

This statement by the eminent historian J.N.Bhattacharya fully exposes the Brahminist lie that Aurangzeb murdered Guru Tegh Bahadur ! Indeed, this cowardly deed could only have been performed by the Brahminists, whose faith sanctions the poisoning of `nasitkas' (heretics) and the mass murder of female infants. All Sikh Gurus were killed by the Brahminists. It is the Brahminists who destroyed the Sikh Golden Temple at Amritsar. It is the Brahminists who killed Mahatma Gandhi. It is the Brahminists who destroyed the Saka Empires . 

Brahminist infiltration organizations and the Indian regime have been brainwashing Punjabis to disown their ancient Punjabi language and cultural heritage and accept the "superior Aryan language and culture" (e.g. Hindi extracted from Sanskritized Urdu in the 19th century; Urdu developed as a Ghaznavid and later Mogul court language from modifications and mixtures of the local dialects of Turki, Persian and Arabic). 

Brahmanist organizations (e.g. Arya Samaj, RSS) have been actively involved in inventing and spreading anti-Punjab, ani-Punjabi, anti-Sikh and anti-Muslim propaganda and canards to polarize, fragment, subvert, communalize and divide Punjabis of the same blood and heritage and to create a sense of inferiority among Punjabis by erasing, distorting, marginalizing and degrading Punjabi history, culture and language. To achieve the goal of Kannaujia Brahmanist imperialism and hegemony in northwest South Asia, the Punjab country and lion had to be ideologically and politically divided, fractured and destroyed. The hegemonic Brahmanist program has sought to absorb Sikhism and Sikhs into Brahmanism (aka Hinduism) while Muslims left in the Indian Union were to be marginalized, ostracized and condemned as low caste converts - eventually to be also ground into their Hindu soup! 

Casteism, historical fraud, creation and propagation of false identities (e.g. Ghori's 12th century "Hindu"), vilification, scapegoating and cannibalization form the main arsenal of Brahman polity and statecraft. It has been inherited and updated by hegemonic and supremacist "law givers" and idealogues like Manu, Chankya, Shankarcharya, Dayananda, Gowalker, etc. ("pehlae shaster seh maro, joe bacha ussae shester seh maro" or "first destroy with ideology, then the surviving with arms"). 

Hindu nationalism and the founding ideology of the hegemonic Brahmanist Order are derived from historical fraud spun by late 19th-20th century Brahmanist idealogues and organizations (e.g. Vivekananda, Dayananda, Gowalker; Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Hindu-Maha-Saba, RSS, VHP, etc.) from Gangaland. A new supremacist identity and history (neo-Brahmanism) was invented for the Orthodox Hindu community by making wild, hegemonic and fraudulent claims over the history, religions and civilizations of historically separate southasian regions, nations and peoples. All of southasia under British imperial rule was fantasized as their "10,000 year old One Hindu Nation" (Hindusthan) in which the 7% Brahmanists, the self-styled "superior Aryans", should be the "rightful ruling class". 

However, the dateless and placeless fantasies and mithya of neo-Brahmanism collide with the most basic known and verifiable facts of southasian history: 

The subcontinent is in reality a multi-ethnic/linguistic/cultural/national region (like Europe); its oldest northwest Vedic region and the western Sakasthan region were politically separate over 90% of its known 3500 years history (Winston Churchill: "India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the equator"); Buddhism was dominant for 10-13 centuries prior to 9th century AD; oldest Brahmin temples/ruins all post-date 9th century; northern and western subcontinent were never under Brahmanist rule during any known period; indeed, even the terms "Hindusthan" and "Hindu" were imposed on South Asia by the 12th century Afghan dynasty of Ghori and are not found in pre-Muslim indigenous texts. 

In fact, the Guru Nanak University history Deparment is not allowed to do historical research of Punjab prior to 14th century AD???!!!! The Museums in Lahore and Islamabad are teeming with Buddhist-Gandharan-Saka art and statues discovered pre-1947 abundantly mentioning `Sakastan' while no coin with the name "Hindu/Hindusthan" have ever been found. Sakastan is thus a reality, whilst Hindustan is a myth. Facts are Facts !

Questions for Brahmin Historians

Now here's are four teasers on "Brahmin history":
1) On which planet and in which millenium did a monkey army burn a city called Lanka with their tails lit?
2) How did Jats come out of Shiva's hair?
3) Did the lunar/solar Rajputs arrive on earth on the Enterprise?
4) Is it true that Khatris of Punjab are a cross between Gangu Brahmins and Sudra women as claimed in Brahmin texts?
5) In which century did a bastard son of a queen of Ayodhya marry his sister Sita ?
6) In which millenium did Brahma marry his own daughter Sarasvati ? How many children did they have ?

From British Raj to Casteocracy

Chapter 5
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

5.1. The Brahmanist Congress

The Brahmanists came to power on the Congress elephant by deviously converting the pre-independence political debate and struggle into a communal Hindu-Muslim religious struggle. This was made possible by the master stroke of Mahatama Gandhi - the Hindu nationalist cum holy sadhu who made "Hindus" a 55% majority on paper in the 1920s upon getting the Dalits or "untouchables" (20%) fraudulently dubbed as "Hindus" by the British. This cunning coup moved the "Hindus" from 35% to a 55% majority in British India. In pre-independence India, Mughal-Muslims were 25%; Sikhs/Christians/Buddhists/tribals/etc. formed the remaining 20%.
This action, along with recognition of Congress as the sole political representative of all Indians in national matters, was a payoff by the British colonial authorities to the Brahmanist-lead Congress and Gandhi for loyal services rendered to Queen and empire by the Brahminist throughout the dark era of British colonialism. Indeed, so close was the co-operation between the British and the Brahminists that the entire era has should be dubbed the Anglo-Brahmin colonial age. A few of the incidents displaying the brazen conspiracy are the Anglo-Brahmin suppression of the Dravidian Moplah rebellion, the support extended by the Brahminists to the British in their World War I effort; the recruitment the non-Brahmin "martial" communities (e.g. Sikhs, Jats, Rajputs, Gujars of Saka-origin) of the northwest and Mughal-Muslims to go fight for the British Empire in Europe and the Middle East; subduing, opposing, infiltrating and sabotaging other non-Congress (read non-Brahmanist) led political parties and independence movements organized at home (who saw British weakness during the war as an ideal opportunity to throw off the Anglo-Brahmin yoke).

5.2 The Hindu Pile

The 55% fraudulent "Hindu pile" was little more than a political game of Brahmanist politicians and political parties in Delhi while caste Hindus would not eat, touch, marry, socialize or even worship with their "polluted" Dalits (20% untouchables) in the 1920s. After this victory on paper, Brahmanist politicians, political parties, and organizations totally communalized pre-independence politics along "Hindu/Muslim" religious lines of "nationhood" to get on the road to empire and Delhi. The British to their merit left Indians a functional parliamentary system served by a small but efficient administrative system which did not tolerate corruption. While glibly taking of egalitarian western political philosophies, the Brahmanists quickly established a blubbering Casteocracy with a mammoth political and administrative system under the banner of pseudo-socialism. Almost all of the top decision-making and managerial positions (95%) in the country's administration, bureaucracy, state-run media, press, huge state-run economic sector, universities, army, police, etc. have been stacked by Brahmanists who form 7% of Hindus. Under Pseudo-Secularism, Permit Raj and Swadeshi Economics, only the Brahmanist cliques have been allowed to invest and enter the new modern and profitable industrial and manufacturing sectors while the rest of Indians are tied to the plough, working on dwindling lands and the unskilled labor market. Under the Brahminist invention of Pseudo-Secularism, the mass of Indians have been crushed to the status of illiterate labourers. To make things worse, the Brahminists, aware of the fact that they should sooner or later have to hand over power to the non-Aryans, have engaged in mad expoitation of India's natural resources, thereby permanently ruining the environment of the subcontinent. 

Under Indian agrarian policies, ridiculous land ceilings of 18 acres/household were set and agricultural prices have been historically set at 50% lower than prevailing world prices. Brahmanists are traditionally non-landowners and non-agriculturalists, so this move served to maintain the agricultural masses in perpetual poverty. Meanwhile, no such controls or ceilings were ever imposed on ownership of urban property and industries (requiring government permits/licenses for entry) and the industrial price index in India has been above the international industrial price index, thereby enriching the Brahmin-controlled State-Owned Public Sector Units (PSU's) and Industries.

5.3 Loot of Saka Lands

Over the past 50 years, such neo-colonialist policies have precipitated a massive transfer of wealth from the highly productive "Saka region" in the west (comprising Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana and western UP) into the hands of Brahmanists monopolizing the upper level bureaucratic machinery, the agro-industries and the wider industrial-manufacturing sector with which the agrarian sector exchanges production. The tremendous wealth generated by the "Green revolution" in the northwest has been siphoned-off through the state-run banking system and these savings diverted to fund the massive, inefficient, stagnant and corrupted state-run industrial sector where again Brahmanist `Aryan' managers and officials roost the nest. 

Through unbridled corruption and criminalization of the state machinery in the post-British period, the political and governmental system has been quickly converted into a huge rent-seeking "milking cow" for the enrichment and exploitation of the "superior" Brahmanists (who prior to 1947 held little family property or wealth). Genocidal state terror and violence has been unleashed on the populations of every non-Hindu majority state in the Indian Union (including Kashmir, Punjab, Assam, Manipur, Mizoland, Nagaland, etc.) and the "lower castes" and Dalits (untouchables) live under constant threat of random police violence and torture to keep them under submission and to discourage them from mobilizing politically. 

This is the true hideous, criminal and genocidal nature of the 50-year Casteocracy, imperialistically running the old Anglo-Brahmin empire and motivated by the hegemonic, supremacist and racist socio-political dogma of neo-Brahmanism. 

Unfortunately, Western opinion on events in India has been largely shaped by the Brahmanist viewpoint by virtue of their control over the governmental machinery, political system, academics, state-run mass media and press in India. Brahmanists have been extremely effective in propagating their historical and political myths and propaganda and hiding, deflecting and scapegoating India's gruesome realities. The Brahminist brainwashing machine has completely obscured the Casteocracy's failures and ruthless tyranny on their helpless victims : the lower castes and religious minorities. 

Brahmanist emigrees to the west have very zealously adopted the role of "Hindutva Ambassadors" and guardians of the honor of their dishonorable Casteocracy and perpetually lying to the world to cover-up its criminal, corrupted and genocidal nature and spread neo-Brahmanist doctrines and historical fraud to the outside world. 

South Asia in the 21st Century

Chapter 6
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

6.1 Silk Road Re-Opens

There has been some discussion in certain Washington circles regarding western long-term economic and strategic interests in supporting internal national movements in South Asia seeking to disband the largest remnant of the former British Empire by the start of the 21st century. The failed and artificial 50 year old Brahmanist empire would give way to smaller, friendly and more governable countries (with populations of 100-200 million) fully integrated with the global economy and open to western capital and goods. The Silk Road reopens! 

This development would be a great "steroid dose" for western economies in the 21 century as they obtain unhindered access to a realigned South Asian latent market of 1 billion consumers freed from Brahmanist economic and political imperialism (i.e. Swadeshi Economics, Permit Raj). The vast majority of Indians will benefit by release from the Brahmanist empire in which the 7% Brahmanists control all the top positions in government, bureaucracy, state-run industries and corner the wealth of the private sector through Permit Raj. Such pillaging and rent-seeking policies, while enriching the supremacist Casteocrats, have lead to stagnation and economic backwardness for over 85% of Indians; 45% of whom live in abject poverty. After 50 years of Brahmanist rule, India is now hovering near sub-saharan Africa in per capita income, education, public health and hygiene. Many in India, if given the choice, would gladly choose British imperialism to Brahmanist imperialism.

6.2 Brahmin Oppression of Sufists

Many nationalities (e.g. Punjab, Kashmir, Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu etc.) under the Brahmanist knife want "out" of the Casteocracy. For example the Punjabis lost control of Punjab region to the British in 1847 after 3 years of Anglo-Sikh Wars. As late as 1946 (Cabinet Mission Proposal) the British representative Sir Robert Cripps apprised the Sikh leadership (Tara Singh) of their 3 options: i) form independent Punjab country, ii) confederate with Pakistan or iii) Join the Indian Union. Under lavish and "solemn promises and pledges" of Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi to the "brave Sikhs", the Sikh leadership decided to join the Indian Union. Needless to say, all promises "of setting up an autonomous region in the north" and a "loose federation" were betrayed and a concerted policy aimed of reducing the Sikhs politically and bringing them under Brahmanist cultural, linguistic, social, economic and religious domination was instituted. In 1983, the Brahmanist policy in Punjab switched from hegemonic control to violent control - Kautilyan Style in the traditions of Stalin.

6.3 Suppression of non-Ayans

Similar tactics have been used in other non-majority Hindu states like Kashmir, Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, etc. where pre-independence promises and constitutional rights have been denied, democratically elected state governments deposed and protests against mistreatment and demands for their constitutional rights met with military invasion, state terror and genocide. The US State Department estimates (figures given in the 1993 letter of 23 US Congressmen & Senators to President Clinton) that over "105,000" Sikhs had been killed in extra-judicial killings by the Casteocracy's 500,000 army and paramilitary troops in the state between 1983-93, supposedly chasing the Brahmin Indira Gandhi's "300 militants" of 1983 (as per Indira's excuse stated in Parliament to bring Punjab under Brahmin-controlled Army Rule). 

The Western democracies should support the right for self-determination of nations in the failed and artificial Indian Union who wish to declare theirsovereignty. India is signatory to UN articles asking states to respect the right of self-determination of its peoples and nations. The dismal human rights records and persistent documented genocides of nationalities, religious minorities and the "lower" castes by the Casteocracy should be cited to justify imposition of trade sanctions and oil embargo if the Brahmanists don't release nations and countries democratically declaring their sovereignty in state assemblies. This will shut down the Indian economy within 3 months and lead to a complete breakdown of Brahmanist coercive authority. In these circumstances, even the loyalty of the army and police would be questionable: the majority of middle and low level officers and army men and policemen who carry out the policies of the regime and take orders from their Brahmanist bosses are from the non-Brahmanical community (castes of Saka origin such as Jats, Rajputs, Gujars, Marathas, Sikhs, etc.). This external policy along with international and UN recognition will enable trapped nationalities and countries in South Asia (the "fourth world") to re-establish their sovereignty. These newly emergent states may subsequently form a loose economic federation where each country retains political and administrative independence and control but integrate economically.

6.4 Economic Benefits

Such a scenario would also provide western capitalist democracies, and the US in particular, a means for getting rid of the Swadeshi Brahmanist Empire and allow open, pro-western, nuclear-free, pro-capitalist countries and regimes to develop at the start of the 21st century. The subcontinent, with its latent market of one billion consumers could serve as a tremendous economic growth engine for the West for the next century. 

Reorientation and realignment of South Asia along historical national realities and more sensible "scales of governance" will help South Asian nations move out of the "Hindu rate of growth" and unleash the peoples' dynamism and potential tied up in an extremely retrograde, centralist, rent-seeking, Permit Raj, and hegemonic political economy, the Brahmanist "milking cow". Complete access of western products, know-how, technology and investment to this huge market will rejuvenate western economies and lift them into +8% GDP growth rate well into the middle of the next century (a much amplified version of the impact on the US of post-World War II European and Japanese reconstruction). As a by-product, South Asia finally gets economically developed with the collapse of the 50 year old Swadeshi Casteocracy and Brahmanist Empire.

Estimates of Neo-Brahminist Genocide

Chapter 7
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

7.1 Information Sources on India

To get a wider and more complete understanding of political and human rights issues in India, it is important that westerners also obtain information, analysis and commentary from non-official Indian sources (e.g. NGOs, human rights groups, and exiled groups such as the Council of Khalistan) and the non-Brahmanist community rather than exclusively relying on the version of events and commentary from Brahmanist obfuscators, denialists and spinsters. The mass state-run television and radio media ("Casteocracy's Pravda") and the Brahmanist-dominated press and newspapers in India are extremely effective in saturating Indians with Brahmanist political and historical propaganda. The Brahmanist castes are very fond of blaming and scapegoating the failures and abysmal achievements of their failed Casteocracy and its genocidal actions and policies on religious minorities (e.g. Sikhs, Christians, Muslims), the "lower castes" and Dalits (all of above form over 90% of Indians) and the perpetual "foreign hand" (e.g. CIA-US, ISI-Pakistan, expatriate "Khalistanis", China, Britian, etc.).
Westerners should also take the versions and claims of Indian officials/sources and Brahmanists that defy basic common sense and known facts with a few "grains of salt" and insist on hard verifiable collaborating evidence for their claims. It is also advisable to travel directly to the localities and regions concerned with the events and news to obtain direct information from the local population rather than rely on the interpretation of Brahmanist journalists, Brahmin-controlled state-run media, hacks and newsmen in Delhi or other cities. 

Some estimates are given below on the Brahmanist regimes genocide and state terror against the Sikhs concentrated in Punjab (68%) and Delhi.

7.2 Source of Estimates of Genocide of 125,000 Sikhs since 1984

When the army was sent to Punjab in 1983 by the Casteocracy, the Brahmin Prime Minister Indira Gandhi stated in parliament that approximately "300 militants" were disturbing the rule of law. This flimsy excuse was used to bring Punjab under army rule and unleash state terror against the majority Sikh population. (Ironically, Indira Gandhi and her Congress party was arming and building up the leader of these militants - Bhindrawale - herself between 1981-82.) 

By 1993, US State Department estimates 105,000 Sikhs had been killed by the Casteocracy (figures quoted in letter of 23 U.S. Congressmen and Senators including Speaker Newt Gingrich and Congressman Dan Burton to President Clinton). A human rights activist Mr. Jaswant Singh Khalra discovered hard evidence of the Casteocracy's genocide between 1991-93 by stumbling across municipal records of police funerals (those killed by police, frequently in fake encounters or under torture, are usually cremated in police stations; Mr. Khalra "disappeared" in Sept. 1995 and is believed to have been eliminated). In just 2 districts (Amritsar and Tarn Tarn) over this 2 year period, municipal records mention cremation of 6000 Sikh bodies by the police and army. 

Extrapolating this to the other districts of Punjab, an estimate of 25,000 extra-judicial killings can be inferred for the 1991-93 period alone. Post 1991, GOI itself admits to giving over 40,000 bounties to the Casteocracy's uniformed terrorists in Punjab when a puppet Brahminist Congress regime was installed after a stage managed vote - with only 15% of Punjabi electorate voting.
These figures are also confirmed by the state-run radio/television media and the country's Brahmanist Press. During the period of state terror in Punjab, the Brahmanical media would celebrate Sikh killings in newspapers occurring at the rate of 20-30 per day - by honoring the names of army or police men who killed Sikhs in fake encounters or under torture. Over the 1984-91 period of army rule in Punjab an estimated total of

25 (avg.killings/day) x 365(days/year) x 11 (years of genocide)
= 100,375 

Sikh killings by GOI. This estimate from Indian sources corroborates the U.S. State Department estimate. The above figures do not include the Sikh Civilians killed by GOI in its 1984 attack on the Golden Temple (10,000-20,000) and those killed by the Brahminist regime in Delhi (10,000-20,000). The Congress Party officials who organized this genocide (e.g. H.K. Bhagat, Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler, N. Rao) were REWARDED with cabinet positions in the next government and oversaw the post-1984 GOI policies in Punjab. Rao, Home Minister during Brahmin-engineered "riots", went on to become the next PM after Rajiv Gandhi. It is P.V.Narasimha Rao who permitted his Brahminist Hindutva allies to demolish the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya along with the attendant mass murder of 5,000 Muslims all across India. 

GOI admits to killing 1500 Sikhs in its army attack by two division on the Golden Temple (to capture 80 alleged militants) and 2600 Sikhs in Delhi during state-organized pogroms over 3 days. Estimates of NGOs and Civil Liberties organizations are much higher. At a minimum, this gives a total of 125,000 killings between 1984-95. There are other estimates, conducted by the Punjab Human Rights Organization and Punjab Magistracy of genocide which go as high as 250,000.
For comparison, the British killed approximately 400 Punjabis in the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre in 1929 for protesting British Rule. The Casteocracy's state-run television and radio media in India, the Brahmanist Press, and Brahminist castes in general were going into a mad fit over the Queen's visit to Amritsar in October 1997, but act as if Operation Bluestar 1984 and Operation Woodrose 1984-87 (which killed 3000 times more Sikhs) occurred on a different planet and in a previous life.
How do Brahmanists (7% of "Hindus") - guardians of the honor of their dishonorable Casteocracy and perpetually lying to the world to cover-up its true nature - square the murder of 125,000 Sikhs by their criminal, corrupt and genocidal regime with Indira Gandhi's "300 Sikh militants" of 1983 ?

7.3 Summary of Sikh Case for Independence

Given below is a brief list sampling the mistreatments, denial of promises and rights, and subjugation under genocidal repressionary policies that the progressive and freedom-loving Sikh-Punjabi nation has had to endure from the Brahmanist Casteocracy since 1947:
  1. Betrayal of promises of political autonomy and cultural rights under which Punjab entered Indian Union (Nehru, 1946: " I see nothing wrong with setting up an autonomous region in the north where the brave Sikhs can also bask in the glow of freedom").
  2. Casteocracy declared "brave Sikhs" as a "criminal tribe" in 1947 (by Nehru, Patel) immediately after independence.
  3. Under the Indian Constitution framed by Brahmanists, Sikhs are classified as "Hindus". To get a marriage license in "secular India", Sikhs must sign a form entitled "The Hindu Marriage Act of 1951".
  4. Denial of Punjabi linguistics rights till 1967. All "Hindu" and non-Jat states were reorganized and given their linguistic/cultural rights in early 1950s. Over 250,000 Sikhs demonstrated peacefully and courted arrest in 50s and 60s to get their linguistic rights (this is 5 times the number of Indians arrested by British in the whole "quit India movement").
  5. GOI's active cooperation with Kannaujia Brahmanist infiltration organizations from Brahmavarta or Brahministan (like RSS/Arya Samaj) in spreading anti-Punjab and anti-Sikh hate propaganda to i) polarize and communalize Punjabi society along fradulent "Hindu-Sikh" lines and ii) twist the regime's 20 year denial of Punjabi linguistic and cultural rights (in violation of the Indian Constitution and pre-independence promises) into a communal issue leading to the tri-partition of East Punjab in 1967.
  6. Purposely leaving out 2 majority speaking Punjabi districts (in reference to 1961 census) out of Punjab state finally formed in 1967 after 20 years of peaceful protest and demonstrations.
  7. Dismissal of all 5 Akali Govts democratically elected in Punjab by GOI prior to term completion before 1983. GOI has been in constant violation of political rights of Punjabis as granted by the Indian Constitution.
  8. Denial of political and economic freedom of Punjabis through denial of all pre-independence promises on autonomy, imposition of a centralized unitary system, and Permit and License Raj.
  9. During early 1980s, policy of hegemonic control turned to a policy of violent control in which over 105,000 Sikhs were massacred in Delhi, Amritsar and Punjab by the Casteocracy (figure is from US State Department sources and quoted in a 1993 letter of 23 US Congressmen/Senators to President Clinton). All 105,000 were killed supposedly to catch Indira Gandhi's "300 Sikh militants" of 1983.
  10. Engineering political destabilization in Punjab so that army rule and genocidal state terror/violence could be imposed on Sikhs. The policy objective was to brutally crush the Sikh population (Stalinist style) so they would settle for plain peace and life at any cost (like obedient Shudras) and give up all demands for implementation of 1946 promises and constitutional rights.
  11. Army desecration of 40 historical Gurdwaras throughout Punjab between 1984-87 (Operation Bluestar and Operation Woodrose) including the holiest shrine in Sikhdom - the Golden Temple.
It is for these reason that Sikhs/Punjabis of honor (ankh) and conscience (zameer) cannot consider the India Union to be their country and want their sovereignty and lands back so they can pursue their political, economic, cultural and linguistic aspirations in their own country - free from Brahmanist hegemony, vile, treachery, terror and genocide!
Mahatma Gandhi's speech and solemn promises under which Sikhs gave up the option to form their own country and join India (Cabinet Mission Proposal, 1946) gives the Sikhs all the moral authority they need for independence.
He clearly states that if the Congress and GOI betrayed Sikhs, they have all rights to seek independence and sanctions even armed struggle. India is also a signatory to UN articles agreeing to respect the right of self-determination of constituent nations.

Four-Nation Theory: Sakastan, Dalitstan, Mughalstan and Hindu Rashtra

Chapter 8
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

8.1 Four Distinct Nations

Study of South Asian history reveals that the subcontinent was a collection of several distinct nations, each with its own distinctive race, language, culture and independant history. It is only for a few years that the Mauryan Empire managed to conquer most of the subcontinent, but this was indeed only for a short while - 92 years in all of 3000 years of history !
History reveals that the following historically distinct and separate nations have existed for the last several centuries in South Asia before being illegally occupied by the Brahminists : -
Dalitstan and Dravidistan - The aboriginal Sudroid populations of Africoid descent have formed the historically distinct nations of Dalitstan and Dravidistan (both being lumped together as `Sudrastan') for more than 4000 years. Dalitstan is a modern term comprising the hsitorically Adivasi dominated regions of Gondwana, Jharkhand, Baghelkhand and Bundelkhand (all attested in 18th-century Mughal chronicles), whilst Dravidistan comprises the historically separate Dravidian-speaking regions of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Telingana. The Chola empire, Gondwana kingdom and Cera kingdom were only some of the more glorious Sudroid empires of yore before the Brahminists destroyed these states !
Mughalstan - The Mughal-Muslims, comprising the overwhelming majority of the subcontinent's Muslims, dominate in the historic region of Mughalstan. The term `Mughal-Muslim' includes all the Urdu-speaking Muslims of North India, the Punjabi-speaking Muslims of Pakistan, the Musulmani-Bengali speaking Muslims of Bangladesh, and the Oudhi-Rohilkhand Muslims. Taken as a whole, the Mughal-Muslims form more than 70 % of the population of Mughalstan using current census figures. Geographically, Mughalstan has historically included Pakistan, Rohilkhand, North Bihar, Bangladesh and Kashmir - being the largest Muslim nation in the world. Nor is this any new-fangled `ISI' invention - Mughalstan is mentioned in the 16th-century Babar-nama ! Nor has there ever been any conflict between the Mughal-Muslims and the Sakas. Thus, the Mughal Caliphs married Rajput-Saura women, and most of the mothers of the Mughal Caliphs were indeed Scytic Rajputnis. It is only later that the Brahminists infiltrated the Mughal court and split the Saka-Mughal alliance. It is the Brahminists in the court of Aurangzeb who killed all the Sikh gurus, later putting the blame on the Mughal-Muslims ! Later, when the Brahminists under Pandita Indira Gandhi exterminated 300,000 Sikhs and destroyed the Golden Temple, the event was once again blamed on the `evil Muslims'. 

Sakastan - Of course, Sakasthan comprising Gujarat, Rajasthan and Khalistan is a historically well-established fact. One need only recall the numerous coins and inscriptions bearing the term `Sakastan' which are found all across modern Rajasthan and Gujarat. Readers should once again refer to the irrefutable logic of all the previous chapters ! By contrast, no coins or inscriptions ever mention the Brahminists' `Hindustan' ! 

Hindu Rashtra - The current clamour for a `Hindu Rashtra' is a manifestation of the Indo-Aryan identity. Historically speaking, the Braj, Magadha, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Kannauj and Orissa regions have been `Hindu Rashtras' - historically separate from Sakastan, Sudrastan and Mughalstan. It is only the savage Brahminist Guptas who invaded Sakastan and destroyed Ujjain, exterminating the Saka population of the region, that Sakastan was conquered and made a short-lived colony of `Aryastan' or Aryavarta. However, even this so-called `Hindu Rashtra' is not a monolithic entity - it comprises several distinct races and language groups which are unlikely to survive as a monolithic state. In the long run, the following distinct Hindu Rashtras are likely to come about -
  • Maharashtra or Marathasthan - a Hindu Rashtra based on the ideals of Chhatrapati Shivaji,
  • Braj - a Hindu Rashtra based on the ideals of Krishna located around Mathura and comprising the `Western Hindi' (ie. Braj Bhasa) speaking tracts,
  • Kannauj - a Brahmin Rashtra based on the Vedic-Brahmin ideals and comprising the Brahmin-dominated Kannauj tract in modern Uttar Pradesh,
  • West Bengal or Gauda, comprising the Indo-Aryan Bengali-speaking region of West Bengal,
  • Magadha comprising the historically distinct region of south Bihar, and with a larger population of Buddhists.

8.2 What-if ? History

The future belongs to the 200 million Sakas of Sakastan, the 300 million Mughal-Muslims of Mughalstan and the 250 million Sudroid-Negroes of Dalitstan-Dravidistan ! After ousting the Brahmanists (7%), we can form an alliance - with open borders, trade and free capital movement, as existed under the great Saka dynasties of the Mauryas (100yrs), Satrapas (+300), Kushanas (280), Jauvalas (150), Virkas (220) and during the Saka revival (1707-1847) of Lahore/Bharatpur/Rajputana/Gujarat. 

If the Angrez, from god knows where, had not come into southasia and aided the Pandoos, Sakasthan, Dalitstan and Mughalstan would still be existing today on January 27th, 2000 and we would not have been observing the Jan 26th "ENSLAVEMENT DAY". Sardar Bhagel Singh, who entered Delhi with a fauj of 50,000 Saka warriors in 1790s from south Punjab, made a blunder by not accepting the pleas of the Mogul Emporer of Delhi to take him under Saka protection. This would have lead to a Saka-Mogul east-west alliance against the British and prevented Angrez occupation of Sakasthan and expulsion from Mughalstan ! 

Punjabi Sufis and Gurus, and Rajput Sufics and Sauras during the 11-17th century merged the Sakasthan country's mystical, unorthodox and humanistic Saka-Saura traditions, ideals, philosophy and culture with certain egalitarian and universal aspects of Islamic theology. Hence, the modern Saura civilization of Rajasthan-Gujarat is essentially a continuation of the ancient Saka-Saura empires. 

We need to go back to the pre-British political realities of northern southasia: Great Mughalsthan (Pakistan-Rohilkhand-Oudh-Bangladesh), Dalitstan (Gondwana-Jharkhand-Bundelkhand), Dravidistan and Maha Sakasthan (Gujarat-Rajasthan-Khalistan) !

8.3 Four Nations or Three Nations ?

At this point, having firmly established the existence of the three nations of Sakastan, Mughalstan and Dalitstan, it is imperative to analyse the validity of the fourth nation, namely Aryastan or Hindu Rashtra. An elementary analysis of South Asian history reveals that the so-called Aryan Hindus are indeed mongrel mulattos. They were the first of the Caucasoid races to encounter the Sudroid Negroes, and they were thus the first to become submerged. One need only recall the truly inhuman Devadasi system, whereby millions of Sudroid women were raped by beastly Brahmins and upper-caste lechers. Recent genetic evidence confirms the fact that the present so-called Aryan Hindus are the mogrel offspring of the hideous rapes perpetrated by savage Aryan invaders upon the helpless and defenceless Aboriginal Sudroid women. Indeed, even today, the Brahminists do not form a homogenous community - in Bengal-Assam they have considerable Mongoloid admixture, whilst in South India they display a significant Negroid-Sudra admixture. Indeed, it is possible that their genetic composition is dominated by Sudroid admixture. It is hence imperative to ask - do these mongrels even deserve a separate nation ? Would it not be more just to include the proposed Hindu Rashtra regions in Sudrastan ? 

References and Bibliography

for the book
Collapse of the Brahminist Empire
Khshatrapa Gandasa

  • Banerjea, J.N. (1987), `The Scythians and Parthians in India' , in a `Comprehensive History of India' , edited by K.A.N. Sastri, Vol. 2, Peoples Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 1987, pp 186-309, pp 830-838.
  • Banerji, R.D. (1909), `The Scythian Period in Indian History', Indian Antiquary, Vol. XXXVII, pp 25-74.
  • Bhattacharya, J.N. (1896), `Hindu Castes and Sects', Editions Indian Calcutta, 1st ed. 1896 (1968 reprint), p.398-9.
  • Bingley, A.H. (1978), `History, Caste & Culture of the Jats and Gujars', Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, India (first published in 1899).
  • Cunningham, A. (1971), `Coins of the Indo-Scythians, Sakas, and Kushanas' , Reprinted by Indological Book House, Varanasi, India (first published 1888).
  • -------(1979), `Later Indo-Scythians (Coins)', No. 11, Reprinted by Indological Book House, varanasi, India (first published 1893-94).
  • -------(1963), `Coins of Ancient India: from the earliest times down to the seventh century A.D.', reprinted by Indological Book House, Varanasi, India.
  • Dhillon, B.S. (1994), `History and Study of the Jats', Beta Publishers Inc., Ottawa, Canada
  • Dahiya, B.S. (1980), `Jats: The Ancient Rulers', Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
  • Eggmont, P.H.L. (1970), `Alexander's Campaign in Gandhara and Ptolemy's List of Indo-Scythian Towns', Orientalis Lavaniensia Periodica I, pp 3-123.
  • Gupta, P.L. (1988), `Coins', National Book Trust, New Delhi, India, pp 51-52.
  • Hewitt, J.F. (1894), `The Ruling Races of Prehistorical Times in India', South-Western Asia, and Southern Europe, Archibald Constable & Co., London, pp. 481-487.
  • Herodotus (B.C. 490-425): `The Histories', translated by de Selincourt, Penguin Books, New York, 1988.
  • Ibbetson, Denzil (1916), `Punjab Castes: Races, Castes and Tribes of the People of Panjab', Cosmos Punblications, New Delhi (1981).
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  • Kosambi, D.D. (1953), "The Study of Indian Tradition", Indica, Silver Jubilee Issue.
  • Pawar, H.S. (1993), `The Jats: their Origin, Antiquity and Migrations', Manthan Publications, Rohtak, India
  • The Getae and the Dacians, and Sarmatae and Parthians, in The Cambridge Ancient History, edited by S.A. Cook, F.E. Adcock, M.P. Charlesworth, Vol. II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1954.
  • Pradhan, M.C. (1966), `The Political System of the Jats of Northern India', Oxford University Press, London.
  • Ptolemy (90-168 A.D.), `Geography of Claudius Ptolemy', translated and edited by E.L. Stevenson, The New York Public Library, New York, 1932.
  • Mahil, U.S. (1955), `Antiquity of Jat Race', Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi, India.
  • McCrindle, J.W. (1987), `Ancient India as Described in Classical Literature', reprinted by Eastern Book House, Patna, India, pp 164-165 (first published 1901).
  • Mc Govern, W.N. (1939), `The early Empires of Central Asia', The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, pp 419-21.
  • Pliny, (A.D. 23-79): `Natural History' , translated by H. Rackham, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1947.
  • Rolle, R. (1989), `The World of the Scythians', University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Sara, I. (1978), `The Scythian Origin of the Jat-Sikh', (Part 1 & 2), The Sikh Review, pp. 15-27, pp. 214-233.
  • Sinha, B.P., Journal of Bihar Research Society, XXXVII, parts 3-4, pp 142.
  • Smith, V. A. (1903), `The Kushana or Indo-Scythian Period in Indian History (165 B.C.-320 A.D.)', Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 1-64.
  • Tod, J.(1972), `Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan', Vol. 1, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, (first published in 1829), pp. 623.

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